This year for our 1st anniversary I got a black Cuban Filofax. I guess you could consider that as paper. It was on sale for around half off. I LOVE it so much. I am a list person and it totally enables me to organize and keep track of my whole life.
-On the right side of my dashboard I have my "wallet," debit card, rewards cards, money. In the zippered pocket I have small sticky notes and labels.
-On the left I have 2 sizes of sticky notes. On the small size I have December goals and immediate blog goals. On the large size I usually have a grocery list, but it being December I have Christmas shopping that still needs to be done.
-In my diary section I use small post it notes for lists: to do, blog, etc. I also have things color coded and I highlight the dates accordingly. Blue is a holiday, green is a payday, pink is AF.
-When I write in these sections I try to color code as well. Light blue pertains to Michael, orange for deaths, purple for birthdays, green for work, red for bills.
-In the space on the bottom page I write reminders of occasions for the upcoming week.
-I have 2 groups of tabbed sections. The first is for expenses, blog, blank, (seasonal) bucketlist, long term to do, and Christmas stuff.
-The second is for addresses and phone numbers.
-On the back side I have a clear zippered pouch with bigger post it notes and tabs. And on the right a notepad with more lists!
Aunt Joy's Caramel Corn
-1 cup Margarine-not vegetable spread, it has water whipped in that deflates the popcorn
-2 cups brown sugar, light or dark
-1/2 cup light corn syrup
-1 tsp. salt
-1/2 heaping tsp. baking soda
-1 tsp. vanilla extract
-11/2 cups peanuts-add more or less according to taste
-6 quarts naked popcorn (24 cups)
-Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Place popcorn in shallow roasting pans pour peanuts over top of popcorn. Do not stir.
-In a medium/large saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Whisk in brown sugar, corn syrup and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in soda and vanilla. The soda will cause the caramel to rise. Be extremely careful, this is HOT candy and it will burn if you get it on you. Pour over popcorn, stirring to coat.
-Bake in preheated oven, stirring every 15 minutes, for 1 hour.
-Remove from oven and let cool completely before breaking into pieces.